Job Summary:
Manages the design and construction of thoroughfare, street, bridge, storm sewer and maintenance projects. Participates in the development of the five-year Capital Improvement Program and Maintenance Program. Prepares plans and specifications for thoroughfare, street, bridge, storm sewer and maintenance projects. Provides leadership for all team based activities, to include project management teams and task groups. Coordinates engineering-related activities with other Department divisions, City departments, other governmental agencies, etc. Develops project-related briefings and presentations for the Governing Body, City Manager, citizen groups and professional organizations.
Duties & Responsibilities:
1. Manages the design of thoroughfares, streets, bridge, storm sewer and maintenance projects, including developing the project scope, directing the consultant selection process, negotiation of the scope and fee for the design contract, preparing and negotiating interlocal agreements and utility relocation agreements, managing the plan preparation, overseeing utility relocation planning, acquiring required right-of-way and easements, managing public involvement activities, overseeing environmental permitting process, and supervising project team members. For federally funded projects, manages all coordination and project administration with KDOT.
2. Manages the construction of thoroughfare, street, bridge, storm sewer and maintenance projects , including reviewing contractor bids and making determination of the lowest and responsible bidder; negotiating material testing contracts; managing the construction contract, schedules, payments and cash flow; approving change orders; reviewing and approving contractor submittals; ensuring utilities have properly relocated their facilities; conducting weekly progress meetings with the contractor; managing media relations and citizen inquiries; and maintaining and updating project website. For federally funded projects, prepares invoices to KDOT to request payment; ensures Davis-Bacon provisions are met by the contractor, including wage rate interviews; ensures DBE goals are met; and completes project administration as required by KDOT.
3. Participates in the development of the five-year Capital Improvement Program and Maintenance Program, by analyzing infrastructure needs, establishing priorities, developing initial cost estimates and preparing and submitting Project Addition and Project Revision forms.
4. Provides assistance to the Engineering Services Division, Planning Department by reviewing plans, interpreting standards, providing recommendations to address problems and issues, participating in field inspection visits, and assisting in resolution of developers concerns.
5. Prepares plans and specifications for thoroughfare, street, bridge, storm sewer, maintenance and other projects. Coordinates land surveys and supervises engineering technicians in plan preparation. Designs projects to meet or exceed current engineering practices and to fully conform to the Overland Park Municipal Code. Prepares legal documents, specifications, contract documents and supervises contraction and post-construction activities in accordance with the City’s Project Procedures Manual.
6. Coordinates engineering-related activities with other Department divisions, City departments, other governmental agencies, utilities, contractors, developers, consultants and others, as required.
7. Develops project-related briefings for presentation to the Governing Body and City Manager. Provides updates on project activities on a regular basis to keep the Governing Body and City Manager informed on matters of significant interest. Makes presentations to citizen groups, such as homes associations, neighborhood conservation groups and others.
8. Responds to public inquiries and ensures that their concerns are fully and effectively addressed.
9. Uses PAVER programs to develop information required for planning maintenance activities.
10. The employee must work the days and hours necessary to perform all assigned responsibilities and tasks. Must be available (especially during regular business hours or shifts) to communicate with subordinates, supervisors, customers, vendors and any other persons or organization with whom interaction is required to accomplish work and employer goals.
11. The employee must be punctual and timely in meeting all requirements of performance, including, but not limited to, attendance standards and work deadlines; beginning and ending assignments on time; and scheduled work breaks, where applicable.